Little Animals, Big Impact: Celebrating Bat Appreciation Week

Dear Smart Yards Community,

We're thrilled to join in the celebration of Bat Appreciation Week. These incredible creatures play a pivotal role in our ecosystem, and at Smart Yards Co-op, we're dedicated to raising awareness and taking action to protect them.

Why Bats Matter

Bats are more than just mysterious nocturnal creatures. They're essential for the health of our planet, and here are three significant ecological functions they provide:

Pollination: Much like hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies, bats serve as vital pollinators. They play a crucial role in the reproduction of various plant species, helping to maintain our rich biodiversity. Bats especially love plants that flower at night, such as goldenrod, yarrow, native salvia, yucca, sunflower, figs, dates, mangoes, and peaches.

Seed Dispersal: Bats are nature's gardeners. As they travel long distances and disperse seeds through their droppings during flight, they contribute to the growth of new plants and trees. In fact, up to 95% of new growth in some areas is thanks to seeds dropped by bats.

Pest Control: Bats are natural pest controllers. By consuming up to 1,200 mosquitoes per hour, they help keep pest populations in check. Recent studies estimate that bats save more than $3.7 billion per year in crop damage and pesticide costs, making them indispensable to agriculture.

The Urgent Need for Bat Conservation

Despite their invaluable contributions, 23 species of bats are currently listed as critically endangered. They face immediate risk of extinction due to factors such as deforestation, climate change, and disease. This is why, at Smart Yards Co-op, we are deeply committed to our mission of creating a sustainable environment for these remarkable creatures.

Our Commitment to Bat-Friendly Landscaping

At Smart Yards Co-op, we are more than just an ecological landscaping company; we are stewards of the natural world. We design and maintain gardens that provide homes and safe havens for bats, enabling them to rest and thrive while enriching our green spaces.

By choosing our professional garden services, you contribute to the creation of an ecosystem where we not only take care of flora but also support our valuable fauna. Let us join forces to ensure a brighter, greener future for all. Together, we can make a difference!

Join us in celebrating Bat Appreciation Week and the amazing impact of these little animals. Contact us today to learn how we can transform your yard into a bio-diverse haven while enjoying a beautiful, sustainable garden.

Thank you for being a part of the Smart Yards Co-op community. Together, we can make our yards smarter, our planet greener, and our world better.

Elizabeth Sarmiento

Elizabeth Sarmiento has a deep love for nature and its innate value in our lives. Originally from Honduras, she has a degree in Environmental Studies and a strong commitment to conservation. She is trained and certified with Greywater Action to design and install greywater systems.  She is a certified Bay-Friendly Regional landscape designer, Santa Clara County Master Composter, Permaculture Designer, and Landscape Water Management Irrigation Training and Research Center (ITRC) Specialist.  She brings her knowledge and experience in the challenges of water supply, lost habitat, soil depletion and energy demands to design, install and maintain ecological gardens and empower others with this understanding. Using ecological principles she installs native and drought-tolerant plants, drip and greywater irrigation system, rainwater systems, pervious paving, and reusable materials.


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