Celebrate World Habitat Day

World Habitat Day is a day to reflect on the state of our towns and cities. It's a moment to consider the fundamental right to adequate shelter and to celebrate the achievements and challenges of urban development. At Smart Yards Co-op, we believe that the beauty of our surroundings should be intertwined with ecological sustainability. Schedule a consultation and learn how we can help you build a natural habitat landscape in your backyard.

As World Habitat Day approaches on October 2, we're excited to dive into the significance of this day and explore the ways we can contribute to creating thriving urban ecosystems. Discover how we can make a positive impact on our cities while providing homes for pollinators, native landscapes, and fauna!

Pollinator Habitats

Pollinators like bees, hummingbirds and butterflies are essential for food production. Yet, rapid urbanization can threaten their habitats. By incorporating pollinator-friendly plants and nesting sites, we can create spaces that support these vital creatures. Consider planting native flowers like Lavender and Coneflowers in your yard. Not sure where to start? Reach out to us for personalized guidance on creating a pollinator-friendly garden in your own backyard.

Native Landscapes

Cultivating an ecologically appropriate garden is the key to inviting the diversity and splendor of your region. Ready to embrace the beauty and benefits of native plants? Reach out to us to discuss how native landscaping can transform your yard into a thriving and low-maintenance ecosystem.

Fauna Habitats and Natural Stonework

At Smart Yards Co-op, we're proud to offer a range of services that contribute to thriving urban ecosystems. One of our specialties is natural stonework. The spaces between laid stones provide a fantastic habitat for insects and local fauna, enriching the soil and creating a harmonious micro-environment.

As we approach World Habitat Day, let's remember that our cities are more than just structures—they're interconnected ecosystems where humans and nature thrive together. At Smart Yards Co-op, we're committed to helping you transform your outdoor space into a sanctuary for biodiversity.

Elizabeth Sarmiento

Elizabeth Sarmiento has a deep love for nature and its innate value in our lives. Originally from Honduras, she has a degree in Environmental Studies and a strong commitment to conservation. She is trained and certified with Greywater Action to design and install greywater systems.  She is a certified Bay-Friendly Regional landscape designer, Santa Clara County Master Composter, Permaculture Designer, and Landscape Water Management Irrigation Training and Research Center (ITRC) Specialist.  She brings her knowledge and experience in the challenges of water supply, lost habitat, soil depletion and energy demands to design, install and maintain ecological gardens and empower others with this understanding. Using ecological principles she installs native and drought-tolerant plants, drip and greywater irrigation system, rainwater systems, pervious paving, and reusable materials.


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