Celebrate Hummingbird Day With Smart Yards Co-op!

Happy Hummingbird Day from us at Smart Yards Co-op! As the vibrant hues of summer paint the world with its brilliance, we invite you to celebrate and observe this tiny yet awe-inspiring, beloved creature in your Smart Yards Gardens . Did you know that hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards and have the highest heart rate (up to 1,260 beats per minute)! September 2 is a day dedicated to honoring these remarkable birds and shedding light on their significant role as pollinators in our native landscapes.

A Symphony of Blossoms: Hummingbird-attracting plants we’d love to add to your garden:

Hummingbirds have a penchant for certain types of flowers, drawn to vibrant, tubular blooms bursting with nectar. These flowers have evolved to meet the needs of these agile pollinators, providing them with the sustenance they require. If you're interested in attracting these delightful visitors to your garden, consider planting some of their favorite flora or let the team Smart Yards help you.

  1. Hummingbird Sage (Salvia spathacea): Native to California, this plant boasts stunning magenta-colored blossoms that hummingbirds find irresistible. It's a true gem in any garden, providing both beauty and sustenance.

  2. Balm (Monarda spp.): A favorite among hummingbirds, the vibrant clusters of Bee Balm flowers not only attract these birds but also add a splash of color to your outdoor space.

  3. Fuchsia (Fuchsia spp.): The pendulous, delicate flowers of the fuchsia plant are a hummingbird's delight. Their elegant form and nectar-rich rewards make them a must-have in any hummingbird-friendly garden.

  4. Columbine (Aquilegia spp.): This perennial beauty offers a unique shape that appeals to hummingbirds. Its spurred flowers come in various colors, creating a picturesque scene in gardens.

Join the Celebration: Hummingbird Day

Hummingbird Day is not only an occasion to marvel at the beauty of these feathered wonders but also an opportunity to learn about the importance of preserving their habitats. As urbanization and habitat loss continue to threaten the delicate ecosystems these birds rely on, it's our responsibility to take action. Consider creating a hummingbird-friendly space in your garden, using native plants and avoiding harmful pesticides.

Smart Yards Co-op: Your Partner in Creating Hummingbird-Friendly Spaces

At Smart Yards Co-Op, we understand the significance of nurturing our natural surroundings and creating spaces that support local wildlife. If you're inspired to design a garden that beckons hummingbirds and other pollinators, we're here to help. We specialize in crafting landscapes that harmoniously blend beauty and ecological balance. Whether you're a homeowner, a business owner, or a community organization, we're eager to collaborate with you to bring your vision to life. This Hummingbird Day, let's celebrate the brilliance of these mighty creatures and reiterate our commitment to safeguarding their habitats. Once you're ready to embark on a journey of creating a hummingbird haven in your own backyard, reach out to Smart Yards Co-op today and let's make your hummingbird dreams take flight! Remember, every flutter of their wings carries the promise of a more vibrant and flourishing planet. 🦜

Elizabeth Sarmiento

Elizabeth Sarmiento has a deep love for nature and its innate value in our lives. Originally from Honduras, she has a degree in Environmental Studies and a strong commitment to conservation. She is trained and certified with Greywater Action to design and install greywater systems.  She is a certified Bay-Friendly Regional landscape designer, Santa Clara County Master Composter, Permaculture Designer, and Landscape Water Management Irrigation Training and Research Center (ITRC) Specialist.  She brings her knowledge and experience in the challenges of water supply, lost habitat, soil depletion and energy demands to design, install and maintain ecological gardens and empower others with this understanding. Using ecological principles she installs native and drought-tolerant plants, drip and greywater irrigation system, rainwater systems, pervious paving, and reusable materials.


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